Search Help

Searches by "Stratigraphic name","Reserved by" and "Province"

Enter a single name, or multiple names separated by commas without spaces between names and commas.
Barracks Creek Adamellite,Bendora Granodiorite
Barracks Creek Adamellite, Bendora Granodiorite

Searches are NOT case sensitive. ie typing in "CaNbErRa" will produce the same result as "canberra" or "CANBERRA" The search automatically inserts a wildcard at the end of the search string retrieving in all records beginning with your search string. ie a search for "canber" will find "Canberra Group" and "Canberra Formation"

Wild cards
The wild card "%" can be used to represent any character appearing any positive number of times. ie a search for "%ber" will find "canber". The wild card "_" can be used to represent any character appearing exactly once. ie a search for "_anberra" will find "canberra" but a search for "_nberra" will not find "canberra"

Province information

For some provinces only the name will be available, for other provinces there will be a link to province information.

Stratigraphic number(s):

Enter a single stratno, or multiple stratnos separated by commas without spaces between numbers and commas.

Reserved by (originator)

Is usually recorded in the format 'Surname, I. (organisation)', but this has not always been consistent, so a wildcard search is recommended eg '%Withnall%', in combination with a reservation date range.

Entered/last mod in period by:

Exact match, case sensitive search of Oracle usernames eg 'CBROWN'. You should also limit this type of search by date (first search field).

Selecting states

Selecting multiple options from a list box is supported differently in different browsers. In recent versions of IE and Netscape this can be done by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired fields.


All ages that are contained in the selected age will also be returned.

Leaving search field blank

This will result in the search results not being restricted at all by this criteria.