Geoscience Australia
Australian Stratigraphic Units Database

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Stratigraphic Names Search Information

This search is NOT case sensitive. ie typing in "CaNbErRa" will produce the same result as "canberra" or "CANBERRA"

The search automatically inserts a wildcard at the end of the search string retrieving in all records beginning with your search string. ie a search for "canber" will find "Canberra Group" and "Canberra Formation"

Wild cards
The wild card "%" can be used to represent any character appearing any positive number of times. ie a search for "%ber" will find "canber".

The wild card "_" can be used to represent any character appearing exactly once. ie a search for "_anberra" will find "canberra" but a search for "_nberra" will not find "canberra"

Happy searching!